The Freelancer's Guide to Setting Up Your Work Process

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With freelancing, the standard workweek has become a thing of the past. While the times have changed from the usual 8-hour job to a highly flexible schedule, there are still some habits freelancers can’t shake out off, like a proper work process.

Yes, you are your own boss, but this doesn’t mean you can simply work blindly with no game plan. Agree? If so, note these 4 guidelines to refine the way you work, to help you freelance like a pro.


Set your daily and weekly to-dos.

There are 24 hours a day and 168 hours a week. How much of it do you want to spend working? To answer that, decide whether you want to get paid by the hour or per project. This should help dictate how you will go about your daily or weekly routine. Now that you’ve got the work part of your freelancing career sorted, don’t forget to factor in recreational activities, whether it’s catching up on your favorite TV series or a 30-minute cardio workout. Keep a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle!

Choose a favorite work spot.

Are you an indoor or outdoor person? Working at home is cool but some freelancers get in the zone at their local coffee shop, or even in a beach getaway. Some even prefer coworking spaces. In any case, you must have a go-to place with stable Internet connection as you look for projects to bid on, finish projects, and collaborate with your employer. More so, consider whether you’re an early or late night worker, because some places might only operate on select hours, while others are open 24/7.

Grab the best opportunities.

How many projects can you handle at a time? If you’re a beginner in freelancing, set a day for searching for projects and contests suited to your skills, and placing bids. Also, allot a day for building your portfolio and creating an awesome Freelancer profile. Definitely, a fraction of your time should be spent on designing your profile page to attract more employers. Highlight what makes you suited for the job. Take time to improve your social media profiles too -- yes that’s right, employers could be looking you up.

Take the break you deserve.

Striking the proper balance between work and play is crucial to your well-being. Being a workaholic is okay to some extent, but who doesn’t crave going on vacation? Amazingly, freelancers can work from any part of the world, so get out there, pack your bags (and your work with you -- because you absolutely can!), and see the world.

Freelancing is as much of a lifestyle as it is a career. In fact, it’s the perfect fusion of both. Put a little organization to your work process with these guidelines. What are some of your personal tips on setting up your work process?


Ametuma 22 Julai, 2016

Maita Piedra

Social Media at

Obsessed with compelling digital content. Most likely lurking around Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics rather than my neighbor's backyard BBQ. Probably smarter than the average 90's kid/millennial. Hypercritical-perfectionist, caffeine-infused beach bum.

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